Threads and Waves: Day 124

Photoshop Painting titled, "Threads"

I feel like I could just keep on painting these throughout the day. Even though my laptop is a little bit slow when I’m working with such massive image sizes, I can still get these paintings done. It just loads slow when I use large brushes, therefore effecting huge amounts of detail across the image. I’m not sure what kind of computer upgrade I would need, but it would probably have to be substantial anyways. I think I’m good with what I’m working with currently. Not that I can just go out and buy a new computer anyways.

This first painting (above) I titled “Threads”, because that’s exactly what it reminds me of; strings of fabric. If you open up the image full screen you’ll notice how much detail is actually in there! I’m impressed with the performance I’m actually getting out of my computer with all things considered.

Photoshop painting called, Making Waves."

I have another image to post today as well. I did this one right after doing the “Threads” one. It’s directly above and I call it “Making Waves”, for reasons that should be obvious. This version that I uploaded is actually smaller than “Threads” because I’m keeping the full sized image on my hard-drive. So when you open it up it should have less detail than if it was the actual original version. However, like I said, I have the original full-sized file available. I’ll just post a small second image to show the detail. I think the zoomed image could easily be it’s own standalone painting! Any suggestions on colors or themes I should try painting next? Ideas are always welcome.

Zoomed in painting


Supernaturally Sinister: Day 123

Photoshop painting called "Lurking Beneath"

Wait a tick, that’s not the painting from yesterday! Yeah, well I sat down and loaded up the painting I’ve been working on for five days now, and realized that I dreaded working on it. That’s not what this project is supposed to be about. I’m not sure if I’ll go back to it yet, especially after what I created today, but I’m leaving it alone for now. The frustration is gone and now I’m enjoying this “me time” once again with today’s unique piece.

Well, where do I begin with what I painted today? I feel that today’s image comes across as very supernaturally sinister. There’s only one color: Crimson red, and the rest is all black and white. I’m not really meaning to get too detailed, but I originally wanted this to just be black and white to begin with. Two opposing tones to signify two opposing sides. Then I used both vertical and horizontal brush strokes to blend it all together. I added in some red and right away it felt bloody. I imaged this as a poster on my wall, and added some bright white, which usually signifies something supernatural-esque (think Ghostbusters), creeping over the sides of the poster. I then blended the red into everything else using similar techniques as I did with the white and black. I finished this picture off with the claw marks as a spot to draw the focus away from the ominous dark shape.

I think it’s pretty neat. This was so much fun that I’ll probably do some more as the days go on. I have a feeling I’ll want to do some real painting, similar to what I worked on today, sooner than later.


Compilation: Day 100

Weeblies Complete

100 days of keeping up with my daily creative habit: I feel that’s a lot of days, right? It doesn’t sound like quite as much when you think of it as a little over 3 months, but I’ll make sure every 100 days is a major achievement, and use the opportunity to look back on what I’ve accomplished. This is a massive post! So click “Continue Reading” for the rest. It’s a doozy!

Continue reading


Still Seeing Circles: Day 98

Dragnix Complete

Hello, people. It’s finally finished. I don’t want to see any more tiny little circles for as long as I breathe. Perhaps tomorrow it’ll be MASSIVE circles! Everywhere!

Very happy with how this image turned out overall. It’s a little too colorful for my tastes. However, there just wasn’t any other way around it. I really wanted to keep the individual colors all separated from one another so they stand out more, and there were only so many colors I have available that would look right.

Something I thought about doing was filling in the entire background with black ink. I think the colors would stand out even more. However, two problems came to mind: I don’t have nearly enough ink for something like that. Not at the moment anyways. Secondly, I want to work on something else as soon as possible! This project took about a week, I think, and I’m more than ready to move on.


Selling my Artwork Online: Day 97


I name thee Dragnix! I think it’ll take one more day to complete. The most difficult parts are behind me, I believe. Looking over the remaining spots to fill in, they’re mostly all larger circles than those insanely tiny ones in the center that I worked on today. My wrist is killing me! At least it’s looking pretty good.

I’m anxious to get my new laptop charging cable in the mail! There are a lot of things I want to look into but it’s a bit of an inconvenience if I where to do it on my tablet. Either that or I’m procrastinating a bit. I’m not entirely sure. I want to look into some suggested websites where I can sell prints of my work. I’ve been set up on Deviantart for a few years now, but I always feel so outclassed by the art displayed on the front page. So I don’t pay much attention to what goes on on that site.

Another thing I want to set up is a Facebook page for my artwork. Anyone think that would be a good idea? Is it annoying when people separate their personal Facebook page and their professional page? It’s just something I’ve been thinking might possibly be a good idea. Not sure.


Perhaps a Phoenix? Day 96

Still a Phoenix?

Is it still a Phoenix? I don’t know. After finishing the head, I think it’s more dragon-like now. Perhaps it’s a cross between the two mythical creatures.

I have a lot of ideas in what I want to work on next. When my laptop is up and running again, I would like to recreate this circle technique in Photoshop. Make a million perfect circles and see what I can create when human error isn’t as much of a factor. Or I would also really like to draw more crystal-like structures like I did a couple weeks ago. Perhaps draw Superman’s Fortress of Solitude!


Remembrance Day: Day 95

Dot Dragon

Hey, peoples. It’s Remembrance Day for my fellow Canucks and I went with some family to watch a parade and pay respects and all that. Saw my 14 year old niece in her cadet uniform. Pretty cool stuff.

When I arrived home in the afternoon I got started on my drawing right away. It’s now 4:30PM so what little bit I accomplished was done in about 2 hours! My God, this is an epic piece of artwork. I might work on it some more later on tonight just so this thing gets finished quicker. I don’t think I’ve ever done anything nearly as detailed as this is turning out to be.
