Photoshop Painting! Day 116

Sunset Beach

Today I did some painting! Photoshop painting mind you. The only painting I know anything about, actually. Even so, there was some extremely fun color blending and brush strokes, and I’m so very happy with how this is turning out. Those detailed clouds on the bottom right there, I love them so much.

I’m taking a break for now, and getting this post up and done so I have nothing else to do today (besides a hockey game to watch in a few hours) so I can get back to painting later on and not worry at all about this post. When I have things yet to be completed ahead of me, it’s a bit of a distraction.

The only thing that’s bothering me a little bit with this picture right now, is that the actual painted stuff is looking so good it’s making the black silhouette stand out too much. I may have to look up how to quiet a painted silhouette so it doesn’t jump out too much.


Giving Life: Day 115


Now this is starting to look like a beach sunset! I absolutely love spending so much time with all the teeny tiny details. There’s just something really satisfying about starting off with a few brush strokes and eventually giving life to my idea. At first I’m worrying that it’s not looking quite right, but I keep pressing on. I guess just seeing it in my mind’s eye as I start small, I just have to believe that it will take shape eventually. I go along thinking like this for about an hour then I zoom out to see the full picture. Boom! Everything looks awesome. That looks like a palm tree and stuff! Especially when you see it full sized.


Mobile Website Difficulties: Day 114

Beach Sunset

So I decided to import my drawing from yesterday into Photoshop and finish it up that way. Now that I’m back to using Photoshop once again, I’m able to add so much more detail in a very short time when compared to drawing with pens on paper. Not to mention have many more tools at my disposal. I strongly believe the finished sunset will look above and beyond better than anything I would be able to create with pencils. I want the best looking picture possible, so I might as well try digital with this.

This post is going up very close to midnight because I’ve been working on changing up the look of my website. Right now it’s quite frustrating because I can either have it look great and function well on the desktop version, but the mobile version is terrible. Or vise versa. Bah! I really need to get this fixed as soon as possible. Like I said, it’s frustrating. Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: Since I posted this not 10 minutes ago, I’ve found a nice little plugin that seems to have fixed the problem! Though it’s not perfect, at least the site seems to work well on my tablet. Please write a comment and let me know whether it’s working on your phone or tablet. Thank you!


Nice and Boring: Day 113

Palm Tree

Palm tree! What a nice and boring piece of art. And I had a blast doing it. After spending more than a week working on a single Photoshop picture, it was a breath of fresh air to work on something so simple. This was a much needed change of pace.

My current plan for tomorrow is to find some black pens and fill in all of the tree and ground silhouette. Afterwards, I’ll pick out a bunch of colors to fill in a sunset to the best of my ability. I’ve never drawn anything like this before, so it’ll be a nice challenge.


Tools Included: Day 84


I really wish I had of drew the entirety of the bottom three crystalline structures there in full rather than make it look like they are coming out of the ground. Or whatever I was trying to do there. They’re cut off a bit. It would of looked a lot better the other way, I think. That being said, I still like it overall!

It took me forever to get a good photo of this picture as the weather is pretty rainy today, so there wasn’t any good sunlight. Also, because of the issues I was having, I decided in this last shot that I would try putting all the tools I used in the picture. I feel a little weird doing this, I think because it feels like I’m showcasing something. I dunno, I guess this site might come off that way to begin with, but really it’s mostly all for myself as I want to have something to look back on as I go along as well as when I’m all finished. It keeps me motivated knowing I’m obligated to post something each day.

The camera on my tablet can really suck sometimes. As I keep saying in almost every post that the picture looks a lot better on paper, I realize that I should, someday, invest in a proper high quality digital camera. I think it’s really needed if I ever intend to advertise, and eventually sell, any of my physical work. I’ve fiddled with settings and whatever lighting I can create, but oftentimes to no avail. The picture still looks like crap.


Halloween Eve: Day 83


Now this one here is turning out pretty great! Once again though, it’s going to take me forever to fill in all that ink. That’s alright though, nothing awesome is ever accomplished without a good amount of effort. Well, except for maybe intention manifestation! 😉

The green I added to the crystalline structure didn’t really come through in the photo, I’ll have to add more green to it tomorrow. I still have a lot of color and details to add, but I’m a little bit afraid of messing it up. It looks pretty great the way it is! Well, besides the not quite half finished background there, of course.

Just in case I post late tomorrow, for whatever reason, I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween night tomorrow evening!


Creativity Inc.: Day 82

Blood Weed Complete

I’ve been reading this book called Creativity, Inc. and it’s about the head dude at Pixar and how he got there. He’s worked with and around visionaries like George Lucas and Steve Jobs and It’s a pretty good read. I’ve already learned a tonne of stuff.

I downloaded 18 e-books relating to creativity and how to stay ambitious when it comes to art. Hopefully I’ll devour those pretty quickly as I’m trying to get in a bit of reading every day. So I’ll see how it goes. I tend to get started with a book and half way through they often lose me with ideas I don’t agree with or care to understand. That usually happens with fiction novels though.

Anyways, I’m all finished with this “Blood Weed” drawing. Man, is that ever a lot of ink though. This thing took forever. It looks okay in this photograph, but way better on actual paper. So far out of all the images I’ve created in this hardcover drawing book I’ve been using, this is at the top of my list for pictures I would like to frame.
