Batty Shapes: Day 67


Well this drawing is turning out pretty awesome. It took me awhile to come up with any ideas today, and I’m pretty happy with what I have so far. Bats! I’ll probably add more smaller bats in the distance to give a bit more dimension. And I obviously have to color in the moon at some point. I’ll have to use Google to find some good images of a nice page yellow moon when I decide to do that.

Pretty lazy day today. Recovering from all the food I had over Thanksgiving weekend. Still eating leftovers! Though I’m cooking dinner for my cousin and I tonight. He’s coming by for the Maple Leafs game. Should be fun.

That’s all for today. If anyone has any tips on Halloween inspired drawings, please post them in the comments. I’m just looking for ideas. Any ideas are appreciated, even if I end up going in a different direction with them. They still help me figure out what to draw in th end. Thanks!


Dat Tentacle: Day 62


I totally categorized this image under “character”. Anyways, good evening! I drew a tentacle! Welcome to the first of (hopefully) many creepy Halloween-esque drawings. Sounded like a fun idea, so I’m going for it. Hmmm… tentacles are creepy right? Well, just think of that one scene from the movie “The Mist”.

I really like how this turned out. I’m noticing a few things (as usual) that are bugging me that I could go back and change, but I’ll leave it. It’s done. I think my absolutely favorite part about this drawing is the color. The blue on pink, in my opinion, looks fantastic.

So, I’ll throw out an easy question today. What’s your favorite color? Is there any reason it’s your favorite? Even though I didn’t use any in this picture, green is definitely my favorite color. I wonder, does everyone have a favorite color? It’s something my nieces have always asked me. You pick one as a kid, and stick with it forever. Right?


Space Balls: Day 59

Space Window Complete

I present to you a bunch of random planets mashed together. Viewed through a window of some sort looking out into space. Even though I know I could of spent another day tweaking a few things and adding detail, I think it looks pretty great. I’m a little afraid of adding anything more to it as I could so easily mess it up. So I’m finished with this piece. On to something new tomorrow!

As I almost always say, it looks way better on paper than it does in this photograph. My cousin gave me the idea of photo copying my drawings to get a higher quality image, but I’m not sure if I’d have to go find a copier, and what I would exactly do with it to get the digital image. Not a huge deal really. Later today I might try taking a better photo right outside to see if there’s a significant quality bump.

So, time for a question. Space related again. With Pluto being back in the news again, let’s talk about that. Should Pluto be a planet again? It’s still smaller than a bunch of the moons in our solar system. So in my opinion it definitely shouldn’t be classified as a proper planet. Drawf planet, sure. Not that I’m an expert or anything. Some people just grew up with Pluto as a proper planet and want it to stay that way. Do you care? Planet? Not a planet? I don’t care that much, but I don’t think it fits into what a planet is really. It’s just a tiny ball of ice. However it does have the same orbit around our star as the rest of our planets…


Our Place Within the Cosmos: Day 58

Space Window Updated

The lighting was really terrible today, so the image quality isn’t the greatest. Hopefully tomorrow is much better while I finish this picture up. It’s turning out to be an excellent space scene! Still have to work on the planets some more, and I have to figure out what I’m doing with the dust cloud in the back.

I wasn’t sure what this picture was going to end up as when I started, as I was just drawing a bunch of random circles. Usually that’s how I do most of my drawings. I draw some shapes, and see if any images show up naturally in my imagination as I go along.

You know, I really do have a million things I could potentially talk about here, but since I’m always posting these for myself to look back on when I’m done, I don’t even bother. However, other people read this. And other people will read this in the future. So I should try harder to come up with something semi-interesting to talk about in future posts.

So, any ideas? Actually, I’ll probably look over what I drew for the day, and see if it relates to anything. For example, today’s image is a space scene. I have a million things I could bring up about space. For today’s post, I’m going to ask a question to anyone willing to reply in the comments. Whether you care about outer space or not, what is the thing that you find most interesting? For me, it’s perhaps our place within the cosmos. How unimaginably massive it all is, and how insignificant we are individually. Rather than how important we are as “Earthlings” as, so far as we know, the only intelligent beings that can appreciate the beauty of all that’s out there.


Conspiracy Theories: Day 57

Space Window

Just a really quick update today. I have some company over today. I started a pretty cool drawing. I’m going to definitely finish this tomorrow, as I really like where it’s going!

I’ve been hanging out at home today as it was quite rainy and miserable outside for most of the afternoon. Playing a few videogames and watching some TV episodes of various shows. Having some deep conspiracy theories with a buddy. Which is what we normally do when we hang out.

I’m not really sure if these circles are planets, but it definitely does look like a window into space! So I’m going with that. Maybe I’ll add some rings or something, if possible, tomorrow.


Downtempo Ambient: Day 52


I barely did any Photoshop hue/brightness adjustments with today’s picture. I was able to capture the drawing in direct sunlight, and what a difference that made! Very noticeable increase in overall accuracy. Everything stands out nicely.

Now, my only inspiration for this picture was the most recent newsletter from Crystal Moody, a photo of a galaxy, and the downtempo ambient music I always listen to while I draw.

Crystal’s newsletter was all about the desire to become an artist. Runners run, writers write, and artists draw. Actions are the only way to make progress. Go do stuff, don’t just think/talk about it. “The only way to change your life is to change your day.” Good stuff!


To Paint or Not to Paint: Day 49

Paint Palette

Happy Friday, peoples. Hope everyone had a smashing week! I’ve kept myself nice and busy lately. Especially when compared to some of my previous weeks. Though I guess it seems that I’ve stayed busy for most of the summer. Which has been quite nice actually. There hasn’t been a whole lot of time to try and find something to do. Things just keep coming up for me!

I don’t paint. I don’t even remember doing much painting in high-school. But I’ve always said that I hated painting. Now when I think about it, I guess I never gave it any chance, therefore I would suck at it. So that must be why I hate it. Maybe someday I’ll buy all the necessary materials and (while I make a complete mess) perhaps paint a picture.

Not sure why I decided to draw a palette. The idea just popped in my head and I started sketching some shapes out. I like how it turned out. Though there are some things that are bugging me about the finished product. Little details that feel off. Ah well, I’ve never drawn this before, so I like it when all of that is considered.
