Death Star: Day 269

Death Star by Robert Chapman

If I was ever going to Photoshop the Death Star into any of my drawings, I guess today is the day to do it. I’ve seen so many “May the fourth be with you” posts today that I’m personally a bit tired of it, but seeing as I didn’t really have any drawing plans set out for today, the idea kind of snuck up on me and here we are. There’s a Death Star in my Photoshopness.

Even though today’s picture isn’t anything special really, it only took me about 20 minutes to put it together. I used some old assets from previous work, and did a whole lot of editing to get everything looking good. When I stop and really think about it, it’s pretty amazing that something like this can be made nowadays with only a little effort. When I was a kid, special effects like these were virtually unheard of outside of Hollywood. Now I’m just throwing it together, painting a light source, and messing around with a few settings and it’s done.

So, that’s going to be it for me for today’s post. I hope everyone is having a terrific Monday. I have plans to watch the original cut of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi with a friend of mine a bit later on today. So that should be awesome. What’s your favorite Star Wars movie? And your favorite character? For me it’s probably the obvious answer with Empire Strikes Back, but for my favorite character that’s a bit of a tougher question, I think. I’m going to go with a likely unpopular answer and go with Ewan McGregor’s Obi-wan Kenobi, mainly because that was my introduction to the actor. He’s become one of my favorites, though I don’t see him in movies often enough anymore.


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