I Made a Video: Day 306

Wait. This doesn’t look at all like the previous 305 posts. So, today I spent most of the day putting together a slideshow video of my artwork. This is my first time doing any kind of video media, and it was very rough for awhile there. I’m still not sure I nailed everything the way I wanted to, but I’m satisfied. And I’m also quite positive that my next attempt at a video of this nature is going to be a lot better.

That all being said, I can’t believe I made a video today! I mean, I’m extremely late to the party when it comes to producing videos. The whole Internet has moved onto video for more than a few years now. Though, I only really made this because of Patreon. I was watching a live stream that Patreon hosted today where they answered questions from creators and they went over some important points to having a successful Patreon page. Basically, I really needed a video on my front page. It’s apparently best to have yourself on camera talking to the potential audience, but not only do I not have a decent camera, but I wouldn’t be comfortable doing that. Not yet anyways. So, for now you have my little avatar guy, and my artwork.

I had a heck of a time trying to find a suitable audio track to go along with this slideshow, but Youtube’s selection isn’t the greatest. Even though they have something like 140,000 tracks, I spent a long time listening to a whole whack of them and nothing sounded anywhere close to what I was looking for. Then I listened to this track, the one in the video above, and something about it connected with me. It was better than anything else I had heard. I just hope it’s not too melodramatic. I fear it might be. Oh well…

Anyways, so that’s it from me today! Let me know what you think of the video. Subscribe to my Youtube channel! (why not? It helps me get more views) and like and share and all that good stuff. Nobody sees my stuff otherwise. Thanks!


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  • Brad Thornhill

    Nice Robert! I like the song you chose to go with the video I think it fit perfectly 🙂