Zero Battle Complete: Day 296

Zero Battle Complete by Robert Chapman

Well, today I’m pretty excited to get this post… posted. I’m extremely happy with how this Zero Battle picture turned out. I’m sure I could spend another few days making changes and editing tiny details and whatever, but ultimately that wouldn’t really change the vision. Besides, I’m happy that my vision has been realized as it has. As usual, I’ll move right onto something new tomorrow. Although I am loving the science fiction genre, any suggestions for what I should try next?

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The Fear: Day 295

My Spaceship by Robert Chapman

Hello, people. It’s me again. I was having a bit of trouble with today’s version of the picture I’ve been working on. Nothing was looking the way I wanted it to look, so I scrapped a bunch of it and came up with a few new ideas. There’s a dome on the left (probably going to be a futuristic city inside), and the lake now stretches onward to the right. Both of which don’t have a whole lot of details yet, so they look a little fuzzy. But at least I know what I’ll be working on tomorrow.

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Slow Down: Day 294

My Spaceship by Robert Chapman

I swear, almost every single day I have to do a double take when I write out what day I’m on in the title. 294 already! I guess I should start thinking about what I’m doing for day 300. I mean, it’ll likely be a recap of what I’ve done over the past hundred days, but I still have to think about what I’ll talk about, and how the page layout will look. I can’t hardly imagine what I’ve even been doing for the past hundred days.

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Quick! Click the Publish Button! Day 293

My Spaceship by Robert Chapman

That is the opposite of what an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) title should look like! Okay, so my Internet has been down almost the entire day today, and for those who are reading my posts, you know this isn’t news. However, I came to the realization today that even if I can’t get my posts… well… posted, in a timely fashion, I’m still putting the work in. A friend reinforced this in a nice comment today as well 😀

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Not in Space: Day 292

My Spaceship by Robert Chapman

Ha! And you though this was going to be in space. Well, myself included, actually. A kind of vision popped in my head today while I was making the ship a little bit smaller. I thought of a snow covered world, and a spaceship battle through a ravine. The ground, and that explosion there, is pretty early on in concept. So take the lack of detail with a grain of salt at the moment.

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Details: Day 291

My Spaceship by Robert Chapman

Besides some of the angles being a bit off, I think this spaceship is coming along nicely. The boosters in the back there are way off center, so I’ll need to work on altering that a bit tomorrow. Other than that, I think I actually have some of the angles pretty decent. That’s always been my least favorite part about drawing, getting the angles right. That’s why I’ve always had trouble drawing Humans. If an angle is off just by a little bit, the eye easily catches the mistake.

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Duck Face Spaceship: Day 290

My Spaceship by Robert Chapman

Hello there, you individual you. I got started on drawing my spaceship today. It’s far from finished, but the basic design is there, and it’s looking pretty epic. So far, at least. However, it does kind of look like something Darkwing Duck would fly into outer space though, right? Just me? I see a duck face. That will likely change as I work on it. Or… maybe not.

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