Perfect Sky: Day 324

Horizon by Robert Chapman

I finally feel like I’ve nailed down that perfect sky! I think it looks pretty spectacular. I used the actual Photoshop Render Clouds option to get it started. Then I used a fluffy brush to spread some different colors around. This is what I came up with. It actually looks like storm clouds, and such. I couldn’t be any happier with it.

On top of that awesome sky in the background there, the avian mech is completed! Now, I may go back and touch up a few bits here and there, but honestly… I’m more than satisfied with everything. It’s unbelievable how awesome this is turning out. It really feels like I’m saying that more and more lately over the past few months or so. Doesn’t it? I think I’m learning a hell of a lot as I try out different styles.

All that’s left is to paint me some dirt (and a little bit of metal) under it’s feet so it’s not oddly floating there. I mean, I guess it is a bird-like creature. What ever those “feathers” are made out of, I hope they aren’t just like iron or something. I hope the developers and artists over there at Guerrilla Games know what this thing is made out of. I’m not a scientist, but I don’t think flapping 100 tons of metal is going to necessarily be enough to lift you off the ground like a bird. I don’t know though! Maybe with a bit of a running start perhaps….

Anyways, I’m going to guess there’s just one more day of work to do before this guy is complete. Perhaps one more day after that for final touches, if needed. Then, I want to get started on drawing some space ships!


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  • Brad Thornhill

    SPACESHIP!!! remember that from the Lego movie lol anyways storm looks great! Very menacing and epic 🙂