Jesse: Day 22


Jesse: “They ran that way! Let’s murder their faces!”

This is Jesse. Jesse is a space alien in a Star Trek uniform. I love this guy so much. I was terrified as I was making him as I did it all in pen first. So I didn’t use any pencil at all this time. The pens I have just don’t ink over pencil well at all. Despite that, this guy turned out terrific. I mean, there are a few niggles I have with some things; the gun, the pincers on his face, and his eyes. But hey, he’s awesome! Welcome to the world, Jesse.

I’m tempted to draw this guy some more. Making a few changes here and there until he’s perfect. Exactly the way I want him to look. Though I usually don’t end up going back to previous projects in the end.

Speaking of going back to old projects. I still want to digitize that demon looking thing from yesterday. I didn’t feel like drawing on my computer today though. And I guess because of that things turned out awesomer. Awesomer!


Digitizing Fuzzy Critters: Day 21


I finally completed this guy. I was thinking about doing some shading, but I think he looks best with more of a cartoon style. The colors turned out great. Especially the white! Maybe I should of put some of that white on his toes and tail. Oh well. He still looks great, I think.

I’m really stoked that I made it to 21 days. So far so good! I still struggle with what to write in this space. I never really feel like posting any of my personal thoughts. Or, at least not very much. There isn’t a whole lot going on that’s worth posting. I mean, yesterday I had some news about what I might be doing in the future. As far as any professional artwork goes. We’ll see what happens with that. At the moment it’s kind of wait-and-see.

Up next, I took a picture of another sketch I made years ago. I’m going to be digitizing him sometime, just like this guy. It should be fun. I’ll post him right below.



Ultros: Day 20


Ultros: “Oh, all right, Uncle Ulty REALLY wants you to paint his portrait!”

Wasn’t home very much today, so I didn’t work at all on the critter from yesterday. Instead, I drew and colored a picture of Ultros from Final Fantasy VI! Love how he turned out. Was a fun little project. Didn’t take too long really, but I still need a better way to ink! For now, a better pen would suffice.

Once again, tomorrow I plan on working on yesterday’s guy. Just need to do some coloring. Seems like I’m going to stick with the blue mainly. White eyebrows and fur around his face sounds like a good plan though! (Thanks again, Brad) Then again, today’s creation was a lot of fun, maybe I’ll do some more of these guys 😉


Taking Suggestions: Day 19


Started work on this guy today. The Photoshop sketch turned out pretty great, eh? I still have some edits to do, but for now I’m trying to figure out what color he should be. This blue looks alright. What do you guys think? Something different, or maybe a different shade of blue? I might not change him anyways, but I’m curious what people think.

Because this guy is turning out so well, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be digitizing more of my drawings from old sketchbooks. Should keep me busy for awhile, I think. Look at yesterday’s post if you want to see what the original looks like. I made a few minor changes. I kinda balanced things out.


Hope the Sunburn was Worth it: Day 15


I figured today would be the most difficult day to complete my art and get it posted online. Mainly because of the potential hangover. But also because I would need to find time away from the group to complete it. Not to mention the potential weather problems. However, it’s been such a beautiful day today. I spent a few hours at the beach (toasty) and I don’t expect I’ll have a better drawing experience. Well, for awhile at least. So many inspirations! Figures though, that I draw a creepy crawly.

That’s all I’m going to write today though. Gonna go back and track down the group. See what trouble I can get into. Adventure!

EDIT: This post is for August 23rd. The internet at the campground didn’t allow me to upload my post. Just continued to give me errors. So now that I’m home, I’ve posted it.


Gel Pens: Day 14


Hello, people! Didn’t expect to do my daily art post before I left for the weekend. I figured I would be way too busy when I got to the campground, setting up tents and whatever, so I thought it was best to get it done before I left. Just a quick update today though.

I’m giving those gel pens another try. Turned out much better this time, though some issues still persisted. If I go really slow when I ink over the pencil, it turns out pretty good. However, the slower I go the more likely I am to make mistakes. As you can notice in a few spots in today’s picture.

Also, I’ve started taking pictures of my work near a window in the daylight and what a different that makes. Huge improvement over what I was doing before. Just turning a lot of lights on and lighting up the picture with artificial light just wasn’t cutting it. So this is how I’ll be doing it in the future.

Day 14 in the bag!


Cheated a Bit: Day 12

Black characters photograph

Day 12 already? I cheated a little with this one as I started drawing this late last night. I knew I wasn’t going to be home all that much today, so I’m glad I got some of it done then.

I found better paper to use today. It’s perfect for colored pencils as the colors blend really well when compared with the paper I’ve been using. Now that I’ve discovered some better paper to use, I really should figure out a new way to take these photos. The colors and details just don’t come through very well. I’m using my Asus Memo HD7 tablet to take the pictures. It’s an HD camera, but I find the quality is only decent when under direct sunlight. Outdoor shots are best overall.

I might head out today to pick up some new drawing materials. I’d like some of those gel pens the kids are using these days. I love to properly ink my pencil sketches, and regular black pens just don’t work very well when used over the pencil. So we’ll see what I can come up with for next time.
