Taking Suggestions: Day 19


Started work on this guy today. The Photoshop sketch turned out pretty great, eh? I still have some edits to do, but for now I’m trying to figure out what color he should be. This blue looks alright. What do you guys think? Something different, or maybe a different shade of blue? I might not change him anyways, but I’m curious what people think.

Because this guy is turning out so well, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be digitizing more of my drawings from old sketchbooks. Should keep me busy for awhile, I think. Look at yesterday’s post if you want to see what the original looks like. I made a few minor changes. I kinda balanced things out.


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  • Maryann Levesque

    i love this one. as for the color i think whatever you choose will be wonderful.

    • Rob Chapman

      Thanks, mom. Most likely working on it tomorrow.

  • Brad Thornhill

    He’s a little blue hairy imp! xD can’t wait to see him finished and the rest of your redo drawings 🙂

  • Brad Thornhill

    I think if you kept the hair around his mouth and his eyebrows white or even just a different shade of blue just my thoughts but it’s great anyway 🙂

    • Rob Chapman

      Whoa. Glad I checked this post, nothing notified me that you wrote more comments! Yeah, thanks. I’m totally coloring him the way you said. White eyebrows at least 🙂

  • Brad Thornhill

    I Imagine him as this intense space pirate maybe cause of the gold earring and blue beard lol but like a captain you would’nt expect to be a captain but his whole crew are scared of him xD lmao