What Inspired me Today: Day 206

Photoshop Preview

Today I decided to do something a little different. Since I expect to be working on this picture until really late tonight (Well, occasional hard work is a smart idea right?), I’m going to post what I have so far, in Photoshop preview form, and then go right back to working on it. I’m noticing more and more all the time that when I don’t have my daily post published, and the day is coming to a close, for every minute that passes I get more and more stressed out. It’s not a good feeling, and I can notice it effecting me when I try to create during these evenings when I have yet to make my daily post.

So, here’s a preview! This is about an hours work or so because doing that “grass-like” texture is taking a while to do because I’m not cutting corners. No copy and paste for me! Well, once I finish all of the coloring then I can copy and paste the entire thing and maybe flip it to make some interesting designs. Not to worry if that’s confusing at all (it would be less confusing if you have already seen yesterday’s drawing), it’ll all make sense as I continue posting as the week goes on.

You know what, I just thought of a brilliant idea. Quite often I stress more about what I should be typing and less about the artwork part of this year long project. I usually have a tough time putting things into proper words, that’s why I draw what I’m feeling as an artist instead.

So, I want to write out this idea before I forget about it completely, it could potentially help me find things to talk about; every single day I should post something that happened to me that very day that inspired or motivated me.

So, let me ponder a bit on what happened today then; I watched the NHL trade deadline day live streams for most of the day, took it easy and relaxed because I’m still recovering from the big move over the weekend, played a little bit of my Playstation, got a newsletter from Crystal Moody, and watched Kinda Funny on Twitch. I also walked outside a bit because the weather wasn’t all too shabby. Not exactly warm out, but nice and sunny.

Okay, well the most inspiring thing today was the newsletter. Crystal was talking about how no matter how successful she feels she might or might not be, she IS an artist and a blogger. I guess I should say the same for myself, and I should feel comfortable telling people that I’m a full-time artist/blogger. Though, I don’t feel comfortable doing that at all. That might be something I should reflect on and figure out, but I’m not giving it too much thought right now. Perhaps, as time goes on, if it really bothers me or something, I can find some articles/videos online and see if I can find some confidence.


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