What was I thinking? I started out drawing this afternoon with a relatively simple drawing. Then I decided to add some detail with a bunch of little (and stupid) circles. Oh, wait …that’s going to end up being millions of little (stupid) circles. Those lines originally took about an hour because I had to fill them all in with my 2mm Micron pen. I wanted them to be filled in perfectly. Nope. I had to do more.
Having some insane Internet troubles… again. So frustrating. My evening was going fine, then some weird shit started happening and nothing was making any sense. I had some hockey games to watch, and I was working on my drawing, then everything started acting funny. I really hope I can someday get better Internet. Right now – and I’m totally okay with taking a moment to vent my frustrations – I don’t feel like I’m ever going to hit the goal on my Patreon to get a better ISP. At least any time soon, anyways.
I’ll just keep pushing onward. We’ll just have to see how far I can go and what more I can accomplish. I wanted this post to go up a lot earlier, but sometimes we hit roadblocks that try and slow us down. I’ll just continue to work on this drawing tonight, while I wait for my net service to get back up to speed 😛
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