Colorful Abstract Drawing: Day 235

Circular Abstract digital painting by Robert Chapman

It’s Tuesday! I was thinking about working on my Chameleon today, but I looked at my schedule and I wanted to make Tuesday a day where I build something colorful and abstract. Well, my Chameleon does kind of fit into that category, but I ultimately decided to create something new. I’m glad I did, this abstract picture turned out exactly as I had hoped it would!

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Webcomic Progress: Day 233

First page of a web comic by Robert Chapman

It’s funny, after about an hour of working on this webcomic I started to feel that this was going to be one of those projects I get discouraged with and possibly scrap, but an hour after that I fell in love with it. I look at it now and I’m amazed that I thought this wasn’t going to turn out very well. I mean, there’s still more work to do, and a few things I would like to edit, but I’m super satisfied with my progress on this.

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Colorful Chameleon Update: Day 231

Painted Chameleon by Robert Chapman

Seeing as it’s a Friday, which means that it’s a day where I can work on any in-progress art project, I was originally going to work on that web comic picture I had started a few days or so ago, the one with the sky view of the house. Instead of working on that project, I decided to continue with the colorful Chameleon. I’m really in love with this project because it’s just so damn colorful.

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Professional Wrestling RPG: Day 230

Wrestling RPG concept by Robert Chapman

Alright, welcome to another #ThrowbackThursday. Today I’m not necessarily looking back at a classic game per se (though this image was greatly influenced by Tecmo World Wrestling on the NES), but rather I’m creating my own idea for an 8-bit professional wrestling role playing game. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this in a post on this website previously, but I definitely have shared my idea with my Patreon supporters.

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