Sunny Beach Complete (I think): Day 273

SunnyBeach by Robert Chapman

I had originally planned to add a couple of tree branches looming over the left and right side of this sunny beach picture, but I couldn’t get anything to look quite right. So I opted to just leave this picture be, and get started on writing today’s post. Every time I sit down to write something, I see something new I want to change, edit, or add to this picture. That would be by, according to the post title, I’m not entirely sure if I’m done working on it.

I don’t really have any idea what I’ll be working on tomorrow. One thing I’m pretty sure of though is that I’m going to continue on working (at least for the next few days or so) in this style. I really feel like the experience I’m gaining from creating various scenery like this will help me later on down the road. If I want to someday write and design a web comic, then I’m going to need to get my themes sorted out, and find a consistent way to display it visually. I need every page to look and feel like it’s from the same comic if viewed out of context!

I think that’s about it from me today. I’m in the middle of watching a playoff hockey game, and I would like to pay attention to it. I’ll finish this post by asking a question though, for anyone out there that wants to answer. Any suggestions on what I should work on in the future? Just about anything goes when it comes to creating artwork in this style. I’m still unsure about whether I could create people very well though, so that’s something I’ll have to work on eventually. Or maybe not. I don’t even think my comic will have any actual Humans in it. Thoughts?


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  • Brad Thornhill

    Do one with a windmill in the scene lol I like windmills like the old kinds 🙂 looks very warm and I want to be there!