I had a little bit of trouble finding a decent shot today. I took pictures of a bunch of different things; some barbed wire fences, a field with the sun barely shining through the clouds for a moment, and a big blue brick wall with the paint peeling off. These were just some of the things that stood out to me on my walk. However, once again it was just so cold I could only stand there for a moment and snap a couple quick pictures of each of these locations before my fingers felt like they were going to fall right off.
Today’s photos reminded me of exactly why I really do need a new camera. The quality in the photos today just isn’t anywhere near where I want them to be. I hate graininess, and despite actually liking the picture I chose for today, it still bothers me that these moments are done and over with and what I ended up with was, in my opinion, not nearly good enough.
If I didn’t need to share something today, then I would have deleted these pictures without a second thought. Just out of shear frustration.
Check back on my Instagram page if you want to see some new versions of this photo, as I will be doing some interesting things with it shortly!
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