Faces: Day 337

Faces by Robert Chapman

I’m having a lot of fun with these brushes that I’ve been using over the past few days. For today’s work, which I’ve only just begun working on, I mostly painted with a rather large Photoshop paint brush. I’ll eventually use a much smaller one to work on a lot of tiny details. So far, I’m super happy with how it’s turning out. What do you think so far?

The way I’ve been working on these pictures lately, via Photoshop, is that I pick some colors, a big brush, and I alternate between black and the color I’m using (in this case it’s a red) using the X shortcut key. If I need it darker, I’ll press X and it switches to black. I paint away for a second and then on the fly I can press X again and switch to red. I continue doing this to get some interesting shapes. Then I start noticing some different “things” in the shapes. Lately I’ve been seeing various faces. So I kind of carve them out using black and red, until I create some obvious shapes that anyone should be able to see.

Last night I wrote a note to myself to remind me to do something; I want to socialize more via the various social media outlets. It’s not like I haven’t been, but I never made it a point to add it to the “work” that I do everyday. Since spending some time on Instagram and Twitter last night, I’ve already got a few replies from artists thanking me for comments. I know how much I love and appreciate it when people notice my work, so it feels good to do the same.

You know – I’m going to be very frank for a second – I really don’t know what I’m doing. What I mean is that when I paint my pictures, or share my work online, I really don’t have much of a gauge on whether anything I’m doing is good or not, or whether I’m doing very amateurish work or not. Am I using a technique that other artists use all the time? Or something they’ve learned to leave behind early in their careers? There are a whole lot of questions that I have, and though I’ve done a lot of searching for those answers, it’s never definitive. I assume it’s just going to be something I figure out in time.


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  • Brad Thornhill

    You put Alot of time and research into your projects Robert and it shows 🙂 I’m never underwhelmed by your art, it’s great seeing you do and create what you love, very inspiring!

    • Thanks so very much, Brad! Means a lot that you’d say such nice things about my work and stuff 😀

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