Electronic Entertainment Expo: Day 307

AbstractTentacle by Robert Chapman

It’s really crazy how many times this picture has changed. Now I’m working on filling the entire background with those black patterns. Maybe even adding some more color to the picture by filling in different sections with maybe yellow and red. Not entirely sure how that’s going to go down quite yet, but I’m hoping it looks alright. So far I’m happy with how it’s turning out. Though I didn’t get a whole lot of this done today.  Continue reading


To Story or Not to Story? Day 305

AbstractTentacle by Robert Chapman

Well, this certainly went through some pretty major changes since yesterday. I thought everything looked a bit too separated from one another in the old version, so I wanted everything to feel more connected. I think I accomplished that, but to what end? I’m not sure what I’m going for here really, or how I want this to turn out. But I’m starting to edge back towards science fiction again. As soon as I made that little design on top of the sphere, I thought it looked like a city. Now I have this awesome idea of making the entire picture feel like futuristic city, but still hold onto this weird style of keeping everything pretty much formless.

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Looking Back: Day 304

Abstract Tentacle by Robert Chapman

I’m not sure if I’ve yet found the theme I was looking for when I started drawing this yesterday. All three of the objects in the image (the circle, large tentacles, and the small ones) have three fairly distinct gold patterns on them. The small tentacle’s gold patterns are quite erratic, the large tentacle’s kind of have a mechanical look, and the globe has a mix of both. I’m not finished with this this by a long shot, but I do feel that the all encompassing “thing” that will tie everything together hasn’t been figured out yet. I’ll just have to keep toiling away at this until I’m satisfied I’ve found it.

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Blood Weed Revisited: Day 278

Blood Weed by Robert Chapman

I’ve been wanting to go back and revisit some of the drawings I made at the beginning of my Year of Creative Habits project. This “Blood Weed” picture seemed to be liked by a lot of people, so I thought I would create a digital version and mess around with it as much as I could. I really like how it turned out. Though I’m a little worried it looks a little bit too Photoshopped.

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Solar System: Day 268

Planets by Robert Chapman

After trying to create realistic – yet completely fictional – planets for the past couple of weeks or however long it’s been, it was a really nice breath of fresh air to do something a little more simplified. Though, it’s still pretty artistic. I got to use some of my previous planet creation techniques, but rather than focus on textures and light sources, this time it was all about color and form.

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Photoshop: Day 260

"Star Design" painted in Photoshop by Robert Chapman

I was originally working on a fun pen and paper design today, but then the Micron pen I was using started to act up on me (pretty much the last of the pens I had that was still working correctly) and so out of frustration I broke out the Photoshop and my Wacom tablet and I created something similar to what I was working on before the pen problem cropped up, but it turned out way more awesome this time. Not to mention that I finished this in like 20 minutes! Take that stupid old pen and paper.

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