Art Contest: Day 270

BubbleCity by Robert Chapman

Well, this is turning out kind of awesome, eh?. It’s not exactly the way I want it yet, and so I’m still going to be working on this for at least the next day. There’s still a whole lot more I want to add, and by the time it’s done it should have a lot more detail. That being said, there is such a thing as too much detail. Maybe keeping it relatively simple and colorful is the way to go. That’s something I’ll have to think about more.

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Ringed Planet: Day 266

Planetscape by Robert Chapman

Hey there you lovely people. I tried my hand at creating a ringed planet today, and though for a first effort it’s quite decent, there’s something not quite right about it. I mean, when it comes to what little we know about what’s visually out there in the insanely vast cosmos, I guess anything is possible. I just have this feeling that the rings are too large, or too close to the planet. Anyways, I’m not close to done yet and that home star looks pretty pathetic right now without any lens flare effects.

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Photoshop Planet Tutorial: Day 264

"New Stars With Planets" by Robert Chapman

Yesterday, I worked on a star field Photoshop tutorial, and it turned out pretty good. Today, we’re going to try to create a planet together that we’ll be able to toss into our star field when we’re done. I should mention straight away that any of these steps (and same goes for yesterday’s tutorial) aren’t strict rules. You can change whatever you see fitĀ once you get the hang of these Photoshop tools and techniques. So with that, here’s my Photoshop Planet Tutorial!

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Star Field Photoshop Tutorial: Day 263

New Stars Complete by Robert Chapman

Today I’ve decided to do something different and make a star field Photoshop tutorial! We’re going to go through the process of creating a star field together. I’ve never written a Photoshop tutorial before, and if I were to guess, I’d say I’m going to end up rambling quite a bit. I have at least a few hours to invest in this project today, so that should give me plenty of time to put something interesting and detailed together. Here we go!

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Internet Troubles: Day 258

"New Doodle" by Robert Chapman

What was I thinking? I started out drawing this afternoon with a relatively simple drawing. Then I decided to add some detail with a bunch of little (and stupid) circles. Oh, wait …that’s going to end up being millions of little (stupid) circles. Those lines originally took about an hour because I had to fill them all in with my 2mm Micron pen. I wanted them to be filled in perfectly. Nope. I had to do more.

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Drawing Sucks: Day 255

"Colored Leafy" pen/pencil drawing by Robert Chapman

Now I remember why I was thinking of going all digital for awhile there; I’m starting to run out of materials again. The Universe is just reminding me why drawing sucks sometimes. The two larger sized Micron pens I have are either just about out of ink, or they are just malfunctioning. I’m going to guess it’s the latter because I haven’t really used them all that much since I purchased them just a few months or so ago. However, on the other side of things, I’m not sure if they were exactly meant to be used in this manner. I tend to go nuts with the inking sometimes.

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Abstract Artwork: Day 254

"Colored Leafy" pen/pencil drawing by Robert Chapman

I love creating abstract artwork like the one I’ve been working on lately. It’s probably not the most exciting thing to show off day after day with these in-progress posts, but I really do like the idea of sharing exactly what I’m working on. No sugar coating or whatever. Not everyday is about working on exciting new projects, rather more likely they’re about the hours spent trying to finish existing projects. Which I know from my own experience can be an interesting thing to keep up with as a fan of other artists myself.

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