Space Trek: Day 127

Space whale comic book cover

I’m a little bit disappointed right now! Don’t misunderstand, I think the picture I did today is the absolute best thing I’ve ever created. However, it’s so good in fact, that I’m totally disappointed that this isn’t a real comic that I can flip through. I made something that is completely badass, and not even a real thing. It’s a strange and new feeling.

I’m not even quite sure what the plot of this comic-book would be. I mean, Space Trek? You’d assume you would be travelling through space in a “spaceship” of some sort. I think if this was a completely real comic book, then it would traditionally feature either some of the main characters (if not all of them) looking skyward all important-like, or the spaceship they use for the entire series, on the cover of the first issue. Unless, which is the case for this “fake” old-timey comic series, your ship is a organic space whale. I think the first volume of this series would be mostly about a giant space creature revealing itself to us and the panic that would follow here on Earth. A more sinister force would then show up, also from deep space, and the original space creature would actually help defend Earth. Only then would you meet the would-be heroes of the story as they assist. That would probably work.

So, I definitely don’t plan to top this image for tomorrow’s work. I’ll probably take it easy and keep it simple. So, now’s the time when I ask the readers out there; got any suggestions for themes, colors, etc. for tomorrow? Thanks for checking this out. Don’t forget to share on the Facebooks! I really appreciate it. Take care!


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  • Sierra Spanton

    Aha! Brilliant. When can i get a copy….so seriously now you should make this into something

    • haha thanks, Sierra! I don’t know about that. I’m definitely not confident to stick to a single thing. You know? Like work on just one thing every day. Besides, I’m a complete newbie when it comes to, not only doing a comic, but creating characters and scenery and all of that stuff. The cover looks awesome, but doing all the rest, safe to say it would be a disappointment. However, someday perhaps, if I could get a team together all good at different things. Might work 🙂

      • Sierra Spanton

        Oo pick me! Lol

  • Brad Thornhill

    I want that comic like now!!! lol you should draw an underwater scene better yet an alien underwater scene 🙂

    • Thanks, Brad! I want it too D: But I would have to make it first so it exists. Sad. Yes! Best idea ever. Underwater scene. I’m half tempted to try and connect it to my imaginary comic book lol I might do that 😀 or at least mess around with some underwater stuff as I’ve never painted that before. We’ll see. Thanks again.