I liked the stuff I drew yesterday so I decided to do some more. This is a small piece of a really huge drawing that I’m hoping I’ll be able to finish. I mean, I guess it’s up to me whether I finish it or not. Really though, I just hope I can stick with it and get it done. It’s going to take a long time, I think.
When you look at the full size image it’s a bit hard to tell what it is (and that’s on my 32″ HDTV) but when you zoom in there’s already a whole lot of little details. So far it’s just mostly trees and buildings. I’ve been seeing all these paintings lately with different kinds of art styles. It’s a bit hard to put into words, but I feel that I should change up my style a little bit and try emulating some of the artwork I’ve been seeing.
Honestly, I mainly want to stop the nitpicking. Detail is fine, it’s one of the things I feel I do best, however usually I go overboard, I guess. Again, it’s a little hard to explain. I’m not going to stop adding details, but I’m going to stop worrying that one tiny thing doesn’t look right. More importantly, I’m not going to have too much focus on trying to fix the little things.
I don’t want to lose the ability to spot those problems, but I don’t want to try and get away from focusing on them so much. Anyways, today’s picture is the start of that. I want the overall image to be very detailed, but only when you zoom out and see it in it’s full size are you going to get the full picture. Am I making any sense? Let me know in the comments!