Day 150 – Greatest Hits

Hello! I’ve been doing this for 150 days in a row now, and I wanted to do a greatest hits post of my favorites so far from day 101-150. So, here we go:


Day 105

Day 105

I haven’t tried to capture very many sunsets this year (yet), but I really love this one. It has that wonderful gradient from blue to orange, from top to bottom. It’s just really perfect!

Day 108

Day 108

I absolutely can’t forget about this one. Since taking this picture I’ve learned so much more about my camera, and how to film water. However, this one still turned out really amazing. I remember it was a really great day for taking photos.

Day 120

Day 120

I was trying to figure out why I love this photo so much, and I think it’s because I figured out just how to focus on that single flower. The rest is a bit out of focus. Since I took this photo, I have yet to nail down how to do it.

Day 131

Day 131

As far as big buildings go, this is probably the nicest we have in town. It’s pretty massive, and has an interesting shape. I feel that I got the perfect angle to really show off just how weirdly shaped our structures can be. Pretty neat 🙂

Day 134

Day 134

This photo is absolutely one of my all-time favorites. Despite only doing this photography thing for a few months now, I feel like this is one of the images that I’ll always look back on and remember.

Day 137

Day 137

This photo might not be ultimately the best or anything, but it does signify my first night out with my new tripod. From here on out I was able to get steady night shots in stunning detail. My favorite night photo is coming up here in a sec!

Day 141

Day 141

The bench. This was when I was really starting to believe in this whole “rule of thirds” thing, where you imagine a grid over your image and try to line up your central object with intersecting points on it. I thought it was a strange concept, but people have really seemed to react positively more often to the images where I try to do this. So I’ll attempt to keep it up in the future.

Day 142

Day 142

Now this … this is a photo. Easily my favorite of the year. After taking this picture and going on my little adventure to get it, I’m now a huge fan of night photos. I remember a year or two ago I was taking some photos at night with my tablet, and they were just awful. That thing is terrible at taking low light images, and I was starting to think my camera wasn’t going to cut it either. Then I discovered some night-only settings that change the shutter speed, and purchased my tripod. Now all I want to do is go out every night and take more photos!

Day 145

Day 145

I watched that movie, Logan, in black and white. Ever since then I’ve had a new appreciation for monochrome imagery. Even though I don’t have a full grasp on when and when not to use black and white, I’ll likely continue messing around with it for the rest of the year. Sometimes it just works better as an image when you keep it simple and remove all the color and enhance the blacks and white tones.

Day 148

Day 148

Now we’re pretty much caught up to the present with this photo. This one was from just a few days ago, and it’s easily one of my best day time photographs. In my opinion at least. There’s just something really funky with that tree trunk and green leafy combo. For me, it almost looks like a cartoon. The colors are extra bright, and it’s in direct contrast to the dark trunks. Love it.


How About a Little Photography

This month marks one full year since I finished my Year of Creative Habits project. I’ve been tossing around an idea for a good long time now; maybe it would be cool to do another year long project. Perhaps I could take a photo every day and not only share it, but write about it as well. Not to mention that I would love to use it in an art project of some sort. I’ve always enjoyed Photography.

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Mountains Completed: Day 354

Mountains Completed by Robert Chapman

These mountains certainly didn’t take all that long to finish, eh? I painted this in Photoshop in about 4 hours, if I were to toss out a guess. Not too shabby! This probably would of been something that took me more than a few days to finish maybe just a few months or so ago. Now, I’m whole heck of a lot more proficient when it comes to using the various tools, filters, and boy do I love that mixer brush. I’ve been using that brush for years now, but it’s just so good at blending colors together to achieve specific effects. It’s my go-to digital painting tool.

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Mountains: Day 353

Unfinished Mountains by Robert Chapman

Happy Monday! This is the second last Monday of my Year of Creative Habits project. By Sunday after the next I’ll be all finished, and this website will stay at exactly 365 posts from then on. Someday I would really like to put a book together filled with all of my daily blog posts from the past year, as well as various finished pieces of artwork from that time. I’m not sure if this website will be around forever, and so I would like to have something to show for it. Even if it’s just an electronic book I can share with my friends and family, or whomever is interested in having one, of course.

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Blood Weed Revisited: Day 278

Blood Weed by Robert Chapman

I’ve been wanting to go back and revisit some of the drawings I made at the beginning of my Year of Creative Habits project. This “Blood Weed” picture seemed to be liked by a lot of people, so I thought I would create a digital version and mess around with it as much as I could. I really like how it turned out. Though I’m a little worried it looks a little bit too Photoshopped.

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Chinese Water Dragon: Day 251

Water Dragon Oily by Robert Chapman

I was originally going to have the continuation of yesterday’s drawing be the front image for today, however I also put some fun paint effects on this photo of a water dragon and I think it’s worth showing off. I would still like to actually paint my own version of this sometime, rather than adding Photoshop effects, but I’m still toying with different ideas. I think I want to go completely abstract with it and perhaps make it full of swirly colorful bits.

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Finished Chameleon: Day 244

Painted Chameleon by Robert Chapman

It’s finally finished! I’m not sure if this chameleon has been the most time consuming project I’ve ever worked on, but it’s certainly up there in the ranks. In the end though, it’s not only one of my favorite pieces of artwork that I’ve made, but also one where I learned a lot more than I thought I was going to when I first decided to start making it.

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