I haven’t been outside very much in a couple days as I’m still feeling pretty sickly. I have a feeling I’m on the mend? Maybe? I don’t know really, but I certainly hope so. A few symptoms have gone away, but now I’m just overly tired and my head hurts a bit. I’m trying a bunch of various herbal teas, and trying not to go too crazy on the Advil! Anywho, I’m well enough to sit at my laptop and draw my little photo doodle, and type a few paragraphs up!
This photo I chose for today was from a few days ago, and I don’t believe I shared it anywhere. I feel like I’ve taken photos like this one a bunch of times, so that’s probably why I didn’t choose it for my daily photo when I took it. Though, I’m sure I just had something I liked more at the time. Personally, I really love taking photos at dawn even though I haven’t been able to do that very much yet. The year is still young!
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