It’s creepy hallway time!
The photographs that I took today of this apartment hallway ended up a little too grainy. So I felt that I had to artify it up a bit. Remove the color, add a bit to the exit sign there, and get some kind of interesting angles going!
It’s kind of funny, you know? I’ve never been all that much of a horror guy. Movies or otherwise. But my absolute favorite thing to photograph is creepy stuff. Well, whether you think some of my stuff is creepy or not, I’m trying real hard to get it to look this way. I wonder if I’ll ever look back at 2017 as the year I discovered this about myself. It’s certainly very new to me! And I’m not trying so hard (yet) to accomplish the dark imagery where I’m doing my research, or figuring out how to best build tension into an image and things like that. I’m just going with what feels right as I’m taking pictures or editing them.