Batty Shapes: Day 67


Well this drawing is turning out pretty awesome. It took me awhile to come up with any ideas today, and I’m pretty happy with what I have so far. Bats! I’ll probably add more smaller bats in the distance to give a bit more dimension. And I obviously have to color in the moon at some point. I’ll have to use Google to find some good images of a nice page yellow moon when I decide to do that.

Pretty lazy day today. Recovering from all the food I had over Thanksgiving weekend. Still eating leftovers! Though I’m cooking dinner for my cousin and I tonight. He’s coming by for the Maple Leafs game. Should be fun.

That’s all for today. If anyone has any tips on Halloween inspired drawings, please post them in the comments. I’m just looking for ideas. Any ideas are appreciated, even if I end up going in a different direction with them. They still help me figure out what to draw in th end. Thanks!


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