What a crazy day!
The temperature was easily in the double digit Celsius range today, so I left my jacket at my sister’s place while my mom, my sister, three young ladies (featured in the photo), and myself, all walked to the park. If anyone remembers that airplane photo I took a few weeks ago, this was the exact same park. Despite being in such an interesting location, I wasn’t really feeling it. I wasn’t taking very many photos. It’s still early on in the year yet so most of the ground was covered in mud, and a lot of the vegetation hasn’t grown back yet.
There were some shots that I took of some big rocks, and some rare trees that were obviously not naturally from around here as they each had labels pinned to their trunks noting their individual tree species. With all the dead grass and mud I just didn’t really like most of the shots I took. Besides, it’s a long year and I’ll likely be back there again and I expect those photos to be better.
However, I took a whole bunch of photographs of the girls (the middle one is my youngest niece, the others are her cousins!) and I was surprised how well my camera captured their movements. They wouldn’t hold still long enough for a photo, but that didn’t matter as all of their silliness was captured in each shot just fine.
I’m going to work on making a slideshow 🙂
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