Fish Tank: Day 39

Day 39

I’m unexpectedly not at home today. So I decided to doodle from the large fish tank sitting in front of me. I think it turned out pretty great. Something different than what I normally do, that’s for sure.

I’ll get right back to posting my slides tomorrow. I kind of got whisked away from my place today. Having a few drinks. Enjoying myself. Hope everyone is having a fantastic Tuesday!


Slides: Day 38

Alright, well… here we are. Slides are emailed away. Everything is complete. Everything should be completely out of my hands. What a relief! I’m so happy with how all of it turned out (Well, except for one little thing that’s going to always bug me! I didn’t add the hair shine to one of the Adorable Kathy’s đŸ˜› lame!). Kathy seems to really love all the slides as well. Which was my number one goal all along. So… mission accomplished. Now it’s time to relax for awhile.

Today’s post is going to be part one of the entire project. The following is going to be the first 10 slides, and then tomorrow I’ll finish it up. Enjoy! And let me know what you think in the comments.

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All the Hard Work Behind me: Day 37

Balloon Credits Math Idea Math

I got so much done today! And there’s still so many little tiny things that I could still touch up. Just in these four images alone. Overall, I’m happy with everything though! That’s 19 unique slides. The final “credits” one will show for the final 30 seconds. My reasoning is because I’m not sure when she’ll finish her presentation. Last time we timed it at about 4:30 but she told me she would like to stretch it out a bit.

Tomorrow I can hopefully meet with Kathy and we can go over everything in full. Re-time everything to see where we’re at. And make some overall adjustments. However, I’m almost positive I’m done with all the hard work. A couple days before everything is due! I’m pretty happy with myself. Proud even.

What a crazy experience this has been. I’ll go into my feelings on everything in my final post Monday or Tuesday when I show all the slides and how they match up with what she’s saying. Then on Wednesday I guess I’ll hear about how everything went and I’ll post about that. Until tomorrow then…


Balloons: Day 36

Happy Explosive Confused

Some balloons today! These were really fun to do. I didn’t originally have faces on the balloons, but it adds quite a bit. I was worried it would be a bit too dark with Adorable Kathy murdering a balloon. However, I think it comes off as a little comical. I’m not changing it I think it’s perfect leave me alone!

So that’s 15 slides completed. Well, 14 really. As one will be shown twice in a row. Kathy, the one who’s giving the presentation, will be talking about something for about 30 seconds or so at one point early on, so I decided to show the same slide twice in a row. Each slide has to be shown for exactly 15 seconds. So this worked out well in the end. Unless I find, when I’m all finished, that I have time to go back and come up with something else. But at least I don’t have to worry about that now.

Quite happy with today’s results. My wrist was getting a bit sore from all this drawing. So it’s time to rest up and take it easy. I’ll get back at it tomorrow. Where I’ll hopefully finish all the slides up!


Probable: Day 35


I’m still working on lots more today, but I thought I would put up my daily post first. This “Probable” slide took a little while to do. Maybe an hour. Mostly just experimenting. But man did that ever kill my wrist. Taking a bit of a break!

Up next is a similar slide titled “Possible”. So I think I’m going to do something similar with a more positive color. Should be fun. Then it’s onto the last 5 slides. Should be a couple with my Adorable Kathy character saying a thing or two in word bubbles. So really, I only have to come up with 1 or 2 completely new ideas before everything is complete.


Fire Extinguisher Dragon: Day 34

Cautious Dragon

Okay, I thought yesterday’s work was my favorite artwork to date…

I love this guy so much! I’ve named thee, Cautious Dragon!

Anyways, still lots of work left to do today, but this guy took a few hours. That’s exactly half of the work done on the total 20 slides, but I don’t have a lot of time finish up the last 10 slides. Actually, I guess it’s only 9 pretty much, as the last slide will probably just be a credits sort of thing. Something like the following:

Presented by: Kathy Milliken


Art Provided by: Robert Chapman

Maybe with a doodle or something colorful thrown in there with it. Like a purple ringed planet or something. I think that’s a pretty good idea.


Anything is Possible: Day 33

Gleeful Kathy Superhuman

Spent lots of time on these today. Extremely happy with the results. I may go back and edit a few things, or add something, but for now, these are wonderful! I’m about half way done the slides. Almost. These two images here are some of my favorite work. Ever! Just a lot of feeling behind them, I guess. Really had a wonderful day as well. My patio door has been wide open, and it’s been stormy weather all day. Perfect for a few hours of drawing.

Not sure what’s up next yet. Let’s see…

Okay, for slide 10 I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. I could do my best to draw Michio Kaku! As I need to draw a physicist. However, Albert Einstein is easily the best choice, and the most recognizable. So we’ll see!

Looking again, I don’t necessarily  NEED to draw a physicist. It’s just the first thing that came to mind. Anyways, I’ll figure it out tomorrow.

Side note: Anyone here to check out my artwork should absolutely click on the images to see a much more detailed view. I can’t stress this enough. You can’t even see the freckles on the super-kid unless you don’t đŸ™‚ this goes for everything on this website.
