Dat Tentacle: Day 62


I totally categorized this image under “character”. Anyways, good evening! I drew a tentacle! Welcome to the first of (hopefully) many creepy Halloween-esque drawings. Sounded like a fun idea, so I’m going for it. Hmmm… tentacles are creepy right? Well, just think of that one scene from the movie “The Mist”.

I really like how this turned out. I’m noticing a few things (as usual) that are bugging me that I could go back and change, but I’ll leave it. It’s done. I think my absolutely favorite part about this drawing is the color. The blue on pink, in my opinion, looks fantastic.

So, I’ll throw out an easy question today. What’s your favorite color? Is there any reason it’s your favorite? Even though I didn’t use any in this picture, green is definitely my favorite color. I wonder, does everyone have a favorite color? It’s something my nieces have always asked me. You pick one as a kid, and stick with it forever. Right?


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  • Rob Chapman

    I’m asking before you comment. Brad! Why is red your favorite? 🙂

  • Brad Thornhill

    Lol you know me too well Robert XD well I guess it’s my favourite because most of my favourite candy are red and I don’t know it always represented strength and raw power so I respect that shift 🙂 also tenticle looks great! I agree they terrifying as most of the world’s scariest horror is tenticle related in my opinion especially alien tenticle ><

  • Brad Thornhill

    I respect that SHIT!!! *sigh*

    • Rob Chapman

      Whoa, where did that random comment come from? haha Oooh, it was in response to the lower comment, I think. Can’t you just hit EDIT. That’s what I do 🙂