One Hundred Behind me: Day 101

Fried Guy

With the first 100 days securely behind me, I thought it would be nice to keep going with the semi-relaxed drawings for a little while. Nothing all that complicated. Especially with my art supplies running low with no way to replenish them in the near future. I wasn’t even really sure if my black pen would last to fill in those black stripes today. It did. And these guys look neat. Almost straight out of Super Mario Bros.


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  • Sierra Spanton

    Cool little dudes. They remind me of those fire drop guys that jump at you in mario in the castle

    • Rob Chapman

      Yes! That’s what I was thinking too. After doodling the outline for the big one, I felt like looking up some Mario Bros. stuff and trying to draw it. I decided to finish this though. For now anyways. Maybe Mario stuff in the future.

  • Brad Thornhill

    Awwww they are so cute! *hugs fire guy* OH GOOOD!!! I’M ON FIRRRE!!!! xD nice Robert 🙂

    • Rob Chapman

      lol Thanks, Brad 🙂