Nothing I was drawing today seemed to be turning out the way I was planning. This cloud picture was my third try at something interesting, and I’m just settling on using this as today’s work because nothing else looked post-worthy!
I’m not sure why I was having so much trouble with my drawings today, but I seemed to feel frustrated even before I really got into it. It just wasn’t a good day creatively for me, I guess. I’ll try to change some routines up for tomorrow to hopefully help put me in a better frame of mind to try and create something fun and/or interesting.
Now, let’s leave the actual artwork behind for now, and move onto answering a couple more questions about myself!
What are some words that describe you?
This is not a simple question to answer! I have a hard enough time answering questions about myself as it is, but only giving a few words to describe myself just compounds this already difficult task. Let’s try for a couple words though.
Dedicated is the first one I’ll go with as when I make the choice to do something, I always do it to the best of my ability. No matter how much time I need to commit to make it happen.
Oh! The other word will be positivity, hopefully for obvious reasons if you know me personally. Well, even if you don’t really know me, just understand that I always feel that absolutely everything in the universe is awesome and has some sort of purpose. Even if we don’t always immediately understand the reasoning for everything.
How do you want others to feel about your creative work?
Oh man, these questions really are fantastic at getting my brain going! They’re giving me things and stuff to think about that I haven’t really thought about previously.
First off, to set up my answer, I made the commitment by starting this year long creative habits project in order to make a career using my artwork. So, with that in mind, the answer that popped into my head almost instantly is that I want people to get attached to characters and worlds that I build. I get goose bumps just thinking about helping to create something that hadn’t existed previously, and people enjoying the mythology and detail of the world so much that I have this feeling of obligation to continue making it. So again, I want people to enjoy the content so much that I can build upon a universe and do that everyday.
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